I've taken interest lately in revisiting some old cliches and adding a new twist of my own. I love the idea of a surprise ending that points to an unexpected truth.
I'm hoping to name this new series of cartoon panels in the next few weeks.
Angry Birds Bra (photo) for the iPhone fashionista that has everything
via Gizmodo
It takes a lot of brains.
Zombie Harmony ... "because the apocalypse doesn't have to be lonely."
Apple Store Specialist Wanted: Obvious Zombies Need Not Apply
The 35 Manliest Mustaches of All Time (photos)
Studies show that 8% of zombies under age 42 are green-conscious.
Zombie Harmony... created for zombie singles dying to mingle
More Stuff
What would you ask Steve Jobs if you could pick his brain over dinner?
"As a filmmaker you get typecast just as much as an actor does, So I'm trapped in a genre that I love, but I'm trapped in it!" - George A. Romero
We all have Casey Anthony on the brain.
Originally featured on ZombieTheology.com
Canned Brains - Zombie Nutritionist Recommends All-Brain Diet
Inspired by my good friend Barry O.